Problems With Germinating

As mentioned in the previous post I haven’t had much experience with bringing things on from seed. In the past I have always sown directly into the ground or bought seedlings to plant out. With all the excitement of the new greenhouse, along with the kids we set about planting a lot of tomato, pepper and chilli seeds to get us started.

We used an organic growing medium suitable for seeds and planted in individual biodegradable pots. We labelled, watered and waited…. Three weeks on and there have been no signs of growth from any of them. My troubleshooting began and initial thoughts have been:

  • Soil too cold in the unheated greenhouse

  • Too much water

  • Inappropriate soil (although sweet peas and basil are thriving)


So, we have moved the trays inside in the hope that they may come to life and also have replanted a lot more seeds to start indoors and water a little less vigorously (ie not let the kids water!). We are going to look into getting a heat mat/and or propagator once the electrics are sorted in the greenhouse, however for now we’ll keep our fingers crossed.


Foraging For Wild Garlic


What we plan to grow this year