Fallen Trees

It's been very windy lately and overnight two of the Ash trees in the small woodland area were blown down. The roots were out of the ground, and both trees were leaning over only being held up by the others around it. This isn't the first time we've had to deal with broken trees.

We've yet to go on a chainsaw course, so were left with cutting the trees by hand. As the trees weren't too thick it wasn't that bad of a task, but it has taken us several sessions spread over a few days to get it all done. It's satisfying work, and once cut the wood inside is beautiful.


The kids counted the rings on both trees and estimated the older of the two were almost 10 years old.

We've cut everything into small enough logs that they'll fit nicely in the woodburners in the house. We'll keep the wood in one of the outbuildings to let it dry out and store it until we need to use it next winter.

We plan to plant some more trees, a few to replace the two we lost and also some others. We're hesitant to plant more ash, as they are at a high risk of ash dieback (Hymenoscyphus fraxineus) here in the UK. 

We've not decided what will be best just yet, more research is required!


Compost delivery, Hügelkultur, and a new Axe


Plum Tree Problems