Plum Tree Problems

There’s been plenty going on at Mill House in the last few months, the garden is truly in bloom, and the house renovations are still in full swing. It’s a lot to manage and it’s why we’ve been posting less frequently. Hopefully once Autumn hits and the renovations are finished we’ll be back to a regular schedule. Anyway, here’s a quick post about what we dealt with today.

We have three plum trees in the Orchard, one of them is a Victoria plum and it’s been giving us delicious fruit for the last four weeks. The other two plum trees are not ripe yet, we think they are a different variety but are not sure yet as we’ve yet to try the fruit. I think the plums on these two will be ready towards the end half of August.

Yesterday we found two of the larger branches on one of the plum trees had been blown down in the strong winds. This was such a shame as it took a lot of fruit with it. Thankfully, there’s still a few large branches on it that look good and are laden with fruit. Hope it recovers.

So, that we meant we had to spend a couple of hours this afternoon cutting up the branches for burning and stripping off all the unripe fruit for composting. It was an unexpected task, and the time would have been better spent weeding the vegetable garden.


Fallen Trees


A Quick Update