
Roughly four weeks after viewing Mill House we have exchanged contracts and agreed on a completion date. As you can probably imagine, we're all very excited.

We'll be moving in on the 5th of October. This is just a few of days after my 40th Birthday and I have to say it feels right to be moving away from the city and into the countryside on this milestone (although I'm not one for making a hoo-ha about such things).

We talk about the move most days and are making a lot of loose plans for what we want to get done before the year is out. While the main house needs work, our immediate plan is to renovate the annexe and get that up and running as an eco-friendly/vegan B&B. Alongside this, we want to prepare the growing area, so it's ready to start planting in.

Our longer-term plan is to become as self-sufficient as possible, especially when it comes to food and energy. We know it's going to take a while to get to where we want to be, but that's alright, we're okay with taking our time and not rushing this.

It's going to be a huge challenge and a lot of hard work for the entire family, but we're ready for it and can't wait to get started.



