A lot has happened in the last few weeks.
In terms of the house purchase we are making slow but steady progress. We are experiencing the usual frustrations with slow solicitors, council searches, and trying to be patient. If all goes well we will be hoping to secure an exchange and completion date this week. Fingers crossed.
We've just got the building survey back and as we expected the house needs a lot of work. We are starting to realise that the house may be more of a project than we first thought. Some days this feels super exciting like a true blank canvas and a huge adventure. On others the reality of a building project and the sheer amount of work seems more than a little daunting! We are making tentative plans to renovate the annexe first to give us accommodation whilst we tackle the main house.
We also found out from the survey that the property is a converted and extended old bakery and mill house dating back approximately two hundred years. I would love to find out some more history of the house and surrounding areas.
Last week we finally finished what felt like endless packing and sorting and the removals truck arrived early Wednesday morning. All our belongings went off into storage and we've moved en masse into my lovely parents house for the foreseeable future.
The kids have been really amazing. After a few emotional days they have settled in really well and are a constant reminder that as long as we are all together we don't need a lot of 'stuff'. They have had a lot of changes this year and we are really proud at the resilience they have shown.
So here's to a new week and hopefully some more definite news on the house. Limbo is not a fun place to be....